11 Joustra Sanchis Rico Gama

Here are some models or toys on a larger scale.

>> Notes on the evaluation of the models
>> Please also note the start-up article,there you can see most of the cars in this collection.

All pictures can be enlarged twice in the galleries.

11 Joustra Sanchis Rico Gama

230 / Sanchis (Spain) #335 Renault F4 Fourgonette / A / CHF 350
231 / Joustra #2076 Renault 4L light blue / A warp to roof, friction ok / b complete / SOLD
232 / Joustra #2076 Renault 4L grey / B warp to roof and sidebars, friction ok / c- weak, not complete
233 / Joustra #2077 Renault R8 / C complete, warp to roof and sidebars / d weak, repaired, not complete
234 / Joustra Renault 4 remote controlled red / B warp to roof, misssing 2 door handles, wind up motor ok, remote direction has to be fixed inside.
235 / Joustra Renault 4 remote controlled grey / B+ roof has little warp, complete, windup motor ok, remote direction goes hard, needs some attention
236 / Joustra #2076 Renault 4L white / C missing pieces: back and front window pane, 2 door handles, 1 front blinker, friction broken / SOLD

237 / Joustra #2076 Renault 4L light blue / B no missing parts, rims rusty, warp to roof / friction almost dead / SOLD

>>>>> https://www.ricardo.ch/de/a/joustra-2076-renault-4l-hellblau-1094826084/

238 / Joustra Renault Floride Cabriolet / C+ / complete, corrosion, friction very slow / SOLD
239 / RICO Ibi Alicante (Spanien) Renault 4L red 1:20 / A- complete, friction dead / CHF 185
240 / RICO Ibi Alicante (Spanien) Renault 4L anthracite 1:20 / RESTORED / SOLD

241 / Gama Opel Rekord 1:21 / C out of order, missing steering wheel / SOLD


Joustra 2076 2077 Sanchis Renault 4L 4 Floride Cabriolet Rico ibi Alicante Gama Opel Rekord Fourgonette