TOYS & VINTAGE – a new chapter in the Bernese Oberland

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Update end of 2024: We are open on reqeust only.
For almost a year now, a friend and I have been building on a new chapter in the Bernese Oberland, more precisely in Erlenbach in the Simmental, not farther than 10km from Spiez and 20km from Thun, 45km or 32 minutes from Berne. In today’s so called Krone residential and commercial building, formerly a hotel with roots going back to the 18th century, we were able to rent the old hall. When you have a great passion for toys and also for furniture, sooner or later there are space problems, which are now resolved, at least partly.
For almost a year now, a friend and I have been building on a new chapter in the Bernese Oberland, more precisely in Erlenbach in the Simmental, not farther than 10km from Spiez and 20km from Thun, 45km or 32 minutes from Berne. In today’s so called Krone residential and commercial building, formerly a hotel with roots going back to the 18th century, we were able to rent the old hall. When you have a great passion for toys and also for furniture, sooner or later there are space problems, which are now resolved, at least partly.
For almost a year now, a friend and I have been building on a new chapter in the Bernese Oberland, more precisely in Erlenbach in the Simmental, not farther than 10km from Spiez and 20km from Thun, 45km or 32 minutes from Berne. In today’s so called Krone residential and commercial building, formerly a hotel with roots going back to the 18th century, we were able to rent the old hall. When you have a great passion for toys and also for furniture, sooner or later there are space problems, which are now resolved, at least partly.
For almost a year now, a friend and I have been building on a new chapter in the Bernese Oberland, more precisely in Erlenbach in the Simmental, not farther than 10km from Spiez and 20km from Thun, 45km or 32 minutes from Berne. In today’s so called Krone residential and commercial building, formerly a hotel with roots going back to the 18th century, we were able to rent the old hall. When you have a great passion for toys and also for furniture, sooner or later there are space problems, which are now resolved, at least partly.

Now we have the opportunity to present our things there. We ourselves take great pleasure in it and want to inspire others as well. We have all kinds of toys,

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Stokys – the Swiss Constructor Toy

New boxes available, see below – 29.01.2021

Updated 28.01.2020 – I got a stack of Stokys boxes from a friend, some practically new, many disorganised and not complete, in other boxes there is some too much. Informations about Stokys, german Stokys today

With the help of information and pictures from the net, I complete the boxes as faithfully as possible, an iterative process. However, it is sometimes difficult to deduce, for example, the correct number of parts in the boxes. So far I have sold nine boxes and various accessories on the Swiss auction platform. See the gallery below for pictures.

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Colourful Porcelain of the 60s by Rössler

Lovers of eye-catching items in 60s design know it, at least in Switzerland, at least when they hang around brocantes or flea markets … the Rössler porcelain, cups, plates, jugs in the colours green, yellow and blue. Tableware from the lowest edge of the Emmental, from Ersigen, probably also in the lower price segment at the time. Today not necessarily at all. I am currently offering the items on the platform click here and scroll down

At my dear grandmother’s in the Oberland high above Lake Thun opposite the Niesen

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Update Mai 2020

Dear amateurs of vintage model cars and antique toys

Regarding my friend’s collection, see below, I recently put his cars back on Ricardo (Swiss online platform), but in the future I will make offers especially here. It’s unbelievable what has been tinkered with on this platform the last few years. In the sense of “Ricardo becomes new”, but in fact everything is getting worse. I could give you x examples. Already the product search (there is no more reliable text search!) or on Sundays and there especially in the evening there can betimeouts (i.e. the platform is 100% down), at Ricardo nobody notices anything for almost an hour. Cats are the most stressed, they serve as decoration for error messages. Ricardo doesn’t refund anything, but offers a “Platinum Boost” for 100 francs, which is meant to advertise the offers, even if you sell items for 30 francs on average … (…) my goodness. Don’t worry – “everything becomes new”.

Je vais publier des articles avec des groupes d’autos. Cela signifie des groupes modèles, on peut me faire des offres pour une ou plusieurs autos, je peux donner des idées de prix, à la fin on verra si et où on se met d’accord, comme sur une bourse, toujours mon instrument de vente préféré. Je vais proposer quelques groupes de modèles comme ensemble (prix pour tous) pour le moment et je ne les démonterai que plus tard si nécessaire.

En ce qui concerne Ricardo je dois simplement dire que les prix, surtout pour les modèles de qualité supérieure, ne reflètent pas le marché. Pas quand une parfaite Peugeot 504 cabriolet avec boîte de Dinky Toys se vend pour 61 francs. 🙂 D’autre part, des prix supérieurs à la moyenne peuvent parfois être atteints pour des modèles en état de jeu.
En général, les prix ont baissé, mais jamais autant que ce que beaucoup de gens pensent. En Suisse, le marché online des modèles diecast est petit et non représentatif. Je le sais parce que je connais très bien le marché international et parce que je vends aussi à l’étranger. Je connais très bien les prix sur les bourses. Je suis aussi coopératif que possible en ce qui concerne les prix.

Consultez les derniers articles, les archives, les catégories ou utilisez la fonction de recherche. Adresse de contact – 17.05.2020

Auction in England at Vectis – 15. / 16.01.2020

In Switzerland you will find many great things if you keep your eyes open. All these toys I have found here in the last 12 years, with one exception. One of them belongs to a friend of mine. Sometimes it is better to sell them on the international market, because the market and demand in Switzerland is too small or you have to wait a very long time for the right customer to arrive. Selling under price will always work, but not with me and not with such things. Frankly, the always well-organized and functioning Swiss platform, whose name has just fallen from my memory, is a necessary evil when things have to be sold in a timely manner. The market, especially for high-priced items, is too small in Switzerland. Although the pound is at an underground level, I have decided to bring these items to England. The English are the only ones who are still really “crazy” – fortunately – they appreciate the heritage, especially concerning diecast, Dinky Toys etcetera.
Most of these items I didn’t buy speculatively, they were more or less part of my collection for quite some time. The volume / space ratio is simply getting out of balance, therefore you have to be able to separate sometimes, especially when new stuff ist still coming, too. I am still primarily a passionate and secondly a trader. > Gallery:

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la 4 de Renault + bagnoles peu plus elaborées

Dear friends of scaled car dreams

I’m addressing also the female friends of diecast, because they exist! I started this website a year and a half ago. Actually, I still prefer to sell my models on toyfairs and talk to people, share the passion. Nevertheless, today you can hardly ignore the Internet, especially if you want to proceed. The whole thing is fun for me as an archive, too, if the magic is over, you still have something to look at and enjoy. Nevertheless, I haven’t done anything here for a year, other than to mark a car as sold.

The Renault 4L, Renault’s first front-wheel drive and the world’s best-selling French car..

But now a friend has reactivated me. I will be selling most of his collection on his behalf in the near future, focus on Renault 4 – even the Pope drives one! – Dinky Toys, Mercury, Solido, Norev and Joustra. I will also place models on and at likely

Dinky Toys France

I have detailed pictures of all models. I can send a list. Please ask for pictures or list. Also for prices, I am also open to reasonable price proposals. I will gradually publish the models on the pictures in the gallery with prices and concise description in separate articles. Starting with Dinky Toys France. I also have new editions of old models from the Renault 4 as well as a few new models, especially large ones from Norev.

Correspondence please on or WhatsApp 0041 (0)76 426 76 67

Below are some impressions of this collection. At the bottom, all group images are higher resolution in this gallery, takes some time to load depending on the connection. Of course, cars from my archive can also be purchased at the same time. Have much more, please ask if specific models are available. I will also be at the Retrotoys in Fribourg, 26 and 27 October and on 2 November at the bit toyfair in my hometown Berne.

Norev ancien / Clé
Corgi Toys
alle Bilder hochaufgelöst – rechts oben klicken für +++

Plastic – the antique of tomorrow and a rocket from the 60s

Since the beginnings of the remeltable (thermoplastic) plastic, it has been commonly referred to as just “plastic”, this is still in use today, especially in colloquial language. A word that is almost the same in German, English and Romance languages, Plastik – plastic – pastique – plastica – plástico, and which can also be an adjective for “deformable”. I have a lot to do with plastic for professional reasons, which is probably why, in combination with my weakness for objects from the 40s to 70s, it turned out that I like horny plastic products. It is interesting that

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some thoughts / toyfair in Wettingen

Dear friends of antique toys and vintage articles

I tanslate my blogs wih 10-20% edition rate then. That’s why sentences seem not always natural. Making own translations would be asked far too much as to hours accumulating.

Originally I announced here to write with high cadence blogs and so-called Toy-Reviews (not only highend, but also about toy-things – from German Spielzeug), to list articles, well, this is first of all a matter of will and secondly one of fitness. Not that I lack ideas or the breath, but some motivation would still be demanded. I made and filled this website last spring in a

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Rubric “Blog / Toy Reviews”

In May 2018 – Here I will write about the topics of the website in regular intervals (target every two weeks). This can also be a piece of furniture or an object, or an observation I made in the city. The start belongs of course to my mascot!

2018/20 Toy of the Week – Futbolista Geyper Gol

El fubolista de Geyper – “Geyper Gol” (aka

A wonderful toy, produced in Valencia by the company Gey(1945-1986). Their most successful product was the Geyperman, for which they had a license from Hasbro from the USA (G.I. Joe). Originally the colleague muñeco futbolista was designed to distribute balls and not model cars.

The puppet, mid 70s, 55cm high, represents a player of the Spanish national football team and shoots balls with great power into considerable distance. The children could of course try to catch the balls. The part works with two large 1.5V cells. Depending on the condition, the price ranges between 20 and 130 euros. I paid 30 euros. Works, but without balls, ramp and box.

If anyone has a boxed example, I’d be happy to buy it.

Version by an English importer / Version by Bandai, Japan