NM+. Hardly to find in better condition. Extremely rare abroad, somewhat less in Switzerland. This is an advertising model by Franz Carl Weber, the Toblerone Bus #441 has its own stickers. This model can sell for £500 in England. CHF 330 SOLD 2019/8
type of vehicle
#0036 Edil Toys No. 10 Lamborghini Miura
An absolute rarity from Italy. NM+. Sold once at auction for 5 times as much. CHF 810 SOLD 2018/5
Here I adjusted the price markedly downwards, for a friend. This model sold over 4000 in 2007, about 2 years ago still over 2000, this already being an exception, since apparently an old stock has appeared in America. The price has now settled between 600 and just over 1000.