Stokys – the Swiss Constructor Toy

New boxes available, see below – 29.01.2021

Updated 28.01.2020 – I got a stack of Stokys boxes from a friend, some practically new, many disorganised and not complete, in other boxes there is some too much. Informations about Stokys, german Stokys today

With the help of information and pictures from the net, I complete the boxes as faithfully as possible, an iterative process. However, it is sometimes difficult to deduce, for example, the correct number of parts in the boxes. So far I have sold nine boxes and various accessories on the Swiss auction platform. See the gallery below for pictures.

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Colourful Porcelain of the 60s by Rössler

Lovers of eye-catching items in 60s design know it, at least in Switzerland, at least when they hang around brocantes or flea markets … the Rössler porcelain, cups, plates, jugs in the colours green, yellow and blue. Tableware from the lowest edge of the Emmental, from Ersigen, probably also in the lower price segment at the time. Today not necessarily at all. I am currently offering the items on the platform click here and scroll down

At my dear grandmother’s in the Oberland high above Lake Thun opposite the Niesen

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Update December 2020

Still alive, or even more … Here are a few pieces of furniture that I have listed today. You can find them further down on this page or by clicking on the pictures.

Cantilever Chairs 40s by Bigla

Teak Sideboard Arne Hovmand-Olsen

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Vintage Serving Boy 50s 60s SpaceAge

Very good used condition, some oxidation on the frame. See pictures. SOLD

Set of 2 Cantilever Chairs Bigla Bauhaus 40s 50s

Extremely rare and very good condition, not to say great. The cantilever chairs are not marked but I have found one exactly the same, marked Bigla with the year 1949. Lacquered plywood, chrome steel frame. Midcentury, design classic, Bauhaus. Measurements on request, I don’t have the chairs here.

price on demand

Teak Set of Tables 3x probably Danish

Condition see pictures. I haven’t found a brand and a short search hasn’t revealed anything yet regarding origin / manufacturer / designer. But they come from where the chest of drawers by Arne Hovmand-Olsen for Mogens Kold, see next door. Denmark, midcentury. Price CHF 420

Teak Sideboard Arne Hovmand-Olsen für Mogens Kold 1960s

Great Danish teak chest of drawers in very good used condition. Measurements follow, width estimated just under 1 metre. Price CHF 940

Arne Hovmand-Olsen was born in 1919 in Denmark into a farming family. He quickly developed an interest in drawing and design. He began his career in 1938 with an apprenticeship as a furniture maker. He was determined to make his own creation. He decided to study at a technical school for furniture design. After completing his training, he set up his own workshop. He quickly had great success: he sold in Denmark, but mainly in the United States! His workshop was closed in the 1970s.

Cogi Oldmobile Super 88 – Plymouth Suburban


Corgi Volvo No. 228 P. 1800 – P. 1800 the Saint


Corgi Aston Martin DB4

Prices: make suggestions or ask the price for one or more models.

Corgi No. 276 Oldsmobile Tornado – metallic lime green – golden jack take off wheels


Ältere Corgi, British Cars: Hillman Husky mechanical – Morris Cowley mechanical – Rover 90 Saloon – Standard Vanguard III – Austin A40 – Austin Cambridge

Prices: make suggestions or ask the price for one or more models.

At the moment I only sell this model group as a bundle or by arrangement.

Update Mai 2020

Dear amateurs of vintage model cars and antique toys

Regarding my friend’s collection, see below, I recently put his cars back on Ricardo (Swiss online platform), but in the future I will make offers especially here. It’s unbelievable what has been tinkered with on this platform the last few years. In the sense of “Ricardo becomes new”, but in fact everything is getting worse. I could give you x examples. Already the product search (there is no more reliable text search!) or on Sundays and there especially in the evening there can betimeouts (i.e. the platform is 100% down), at Ricardo nobody notices anything for almost an hour. Cats are the most stressed, they serve as decoration for error messages. Ricardo doesn’t refund anything, but offers a “Platinum Boost” for 100 francs, which is meant to advertise the offers, even if you sell items for 30 francs on average … (…) my goodness. Don’t worry – “everything becomes new”.

Je vais publier des articles avec des groupes d’autos. Cela signifie des groupes modèles, on peut me faire des offres pour une ou plusieurs autos, je peux donner des idées de prix, à la fin on verra si et où on se met d’accord, comme sur une bourse, toujours mon instrument de vente préféré. Je vais proposer quelques groupes de modèles comme ensemble (prix pour tous) pour le moment et je ne les démonterai que plus tard si nécessaire.

En ce qui concerne Ricardo je dois simplement dire que les prix, surtout pour les modèles de qualité supérieure, ne reflètent pas le marché. Pas quand une parfaite Peugeot 504 cabriolet avec boîte de Dinky Toys se vend pour 61 francs. 🙂 D’autre part, des prix supérieurs à la moyenne peuvent parfois être atteints pour des modèles en état de jeu.
En général, les prix ont baissé, mais jamais autant que ce que beaucoup de gens pensent. En Suisse, le marché online des modèles diecast est petit et non représentatif. Je le sais parce que je connais très bien le marché international et parce que je vends aussi à l’étranger. Je connais très bien les prix sur les bourses. Je suis aussi coopératif que possible en ce qui concerne les prix.

Consultez les derniers articles, les archives, les catégories ou utilisez la fonction de recherche. Adresse de contact – 17.05.2020

Corgi Austin Morris Mini BMC Cooper


Corgi Ford Thunderbird


Auction in England at Vectis – 15. / 16.01.2020

In Switzerland you will find many great things if you keep your eyes open. All these toys I have found here in the last 12 years, with one exception. One of them belongs to a friend of mine. Sometimes it is better to sell them on the international market, because the market and demand in Switzerland is too small or you have to wait a very long time for the right customer to arrive. Selling under price will always work, but not with me and not with such things. Frankly, the always well-organized and functioning Swiss platform, whose name has just fallen from my memory, is a necessary evil when things have to be sold in a timely manner. The market, especially for high-priced items, is too small in Switzerland. Although the pound is at an underground level, I have decided to bring these items to England. The English are the only ones who are still really “crazy” – fortunately – they appreciate the heritage, especially concerning diecast, Dinky Toys etcetera.
Most of these items I didn’t buy speculatively, they were more or less part of my collection for quite some time. The volume / space ratio is simply getting out of balance, therefore you have to be able to separate sometimes, especially when new stuff ist still coming, too. I am still primarily a passionate and secondly a trader. > Gallery:

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Pictures / Prices of the collection categorywise

Fed up with auctions at Ricardo, quit at least temporarily, not primarily because of the results. I’ll have something to say about that. Make me offers for the unsold items. Click on the links below. 10.02.2020

Follow my auctions, always sunday eveningS. CLICK PICTURE.
f you are interested in a car on the website, check whether it is lited as auction. 08.12.2019

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Pictures and prices of all categories of the collection for sale are now ready. 15.11.2019

1 1 Dinky Toys France boxed
2 Dinky Toys France unboxed
3 Dinky Toys GB boxed
4 Dinky Toys GB unboxed

5 Corgi Toys boxed
6 Corgi Toys unboxed
7 Norev / 8 Micro Norev France – vintage
9 Clé France – vintage 1:48

10 Solido France
11 Joustra Sanchis Rico Gama
12 Mercury
13 Mercury – Ferrari
14 Politoys / Mebetoys
15 Tekno

15 Tekno

Finally the models of Tekno.

>> Notes on the evaluation of the models
>> Please also note the start-up article,there you can see most of the cars in this collection.

All pictures can be enlarged twice in the galleries.

15 – Tekno

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14 Politoys / Mebetoys

Here are a few more Italians by Politoys and Mebetoys. Prices are negotiable, especially in the case of multiple purchases. Since those are not my cars, in a limited frame.

>> Notes on the evaluation of the models
>> Please also note the start-up article,there you can see most of the cars in this collection.

All pictures can be enlarged twice in the galleries.

14 Politoys / Mebetoys

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13 Mercury – Ferrari

Here are some Ferrrari by Mercury. Prices are negotiable, I am am also open to a reasonable prposition for the whole lot.

>> Notes on the evaluation of the models
>> Please also note the start-up article,there you can see most of the cars in this collection.

All pictures can be enlarged twice in the galleries.

13 Mercury Ferrari

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